
Exercise after a big gain

It's a vicious circle. You get fat, so you get out of condition and embarrassed about exercising, which makes you get fatter.

Sorry, did I say vicious? I meant virtuous smiley
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

Certainly most people at the gym look negatively at fat, but I wonder how many FAs join gyms for sightseeing?
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

suckingitin wrote:
I can't help but fantasize how this would feel with another 40 or 50 pounds on me. I am fascinated by the jiggle. I almost wished someone had been there teasing me with every labored step!!!! I am such a fatty now!smileysmileysmiley

hehe yeah that sounded like me haha although i haven´t gained this much like ou little chubby one ^^ i would definately be interested in having a gf who would love to check out my fitness with every 10kg she makes me gain and then teases me about how i let myslef get out of shape so fast ^^;-) (major turn on for me that would be ) but i , too, would have loved to tease you little fatty having no breath after that short period and short distance tsts you little faty only eating and no sports ;-) although 30kg of gain would be a little to much for my taste in a girl i´m sure it feels very exciting when your belly jiggles where it never did before when you jogged ^^ oh love to talk about that ;-)
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

Igor Olman wrote:
It's a vicious circle. You get fat, so you get out of condition and embarrassed about exercising, which makes you get fatter.

Sorry, did I say vicious? I meant virtuous smiley

hehe since it´s always very hard for me to gain i would find it very nteresting having a gf show likes to get me into this virtous circle ^^ and she catches me when seeing my belly in the morning in front of the mirror and wondering about how i did get this chubby when i was always so fit and sproty before ^^
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

newenglander wrote:
Certainly most people at the gym look negatively at fat, but I wonder how many FAs join gyms for sightseeing?

haha it´s funny but when i was at the gym about 6 years agao very stadily i wans´t even thinking about chubby girls hmm maybe only at the sauna i watched if some girl has gained but sitting in a sauna at a gym there wasnt many sexy ladies who gained :-(
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

Awesome! Most of the fat people at my gym are in decent shape. I would love to see an out of shape fatty make a pathetic attempt at exercise and leave for Dunkin Donuts after a few minutes.
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

Jogging became difficult after putting on weight. But more surprising was that all of the sudden my stomach folded over my waistband each stride, which never happened before.
9 years